Wednesday, April 29, 2015

THIS is what touring is all about

I rode in the van as planned today after first knitting on a sock while we waited for the downpour to pass. The riders had left earlier, so they weren't so lucky and most got drenched.

After the downpour came some unexpected construction with no accommodation for bicycles.  The van escorted a couple of the riders through, but most had already solved the problem by going in bunches and taking the lane.  For my non-cycling friends that means that you occupy the middle of the lane just as if you were a car until there is a safe place for you to ride.  It's sometimes scary because drivers don't like it, but sometimes it is the only safe thing to do.

We passed through rural country for the most part and soon covered the 50 miles And crossed from Florida into Georgia.  Border crossings are traditionally celebrated on Woman tours tours with a Margarita party.  Our guide Denise, I'm happy to say, makes a very nice margarita.  Then Anne taught us to salsa dance - you do remember that we have our meals in the parking lots of our motels, don't you?  

A reporter from the local paper came to visit with us and we will be the feature story in next week's edition.  Did I mention that this is a small town?  Your history lesson for the day is that the town of Folkston is known as the Folkston Funnel because all railroad freight going into Florida comes through here - 60 trains a day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun read. I’ve always wanted to tour, but I think I’m too old now. Wish I had found a women’s tour group years ago....

Bluewolfwalking from Sew Obsessed