This is different from other trips I have taken for several reasons. The biggest is dealing with all the variability that might be involved.
- Being outdoors every day, in a different place every day, over a span of two months means that the weather is more of a consideration than usual. I'm trying to make every item of clothing or equipment do double duty.
- Not knowing exactly what supplies might be available along the route and at what frequency means carrying enough to get by but not enough to weigh you down or take too much space (though I am pretty sure we will be within spitting distance of a Walmart//Target/Walgreens wherever we go.
- Traveling by bike, even with support, means special needs. There are bike shops along the way, but Murphy's law tells me that I can't count on one being nearby at the exact time I need it, so the bike needs to be in the best possible condition for traveling 3,000 miles. The packing and shipping involved on each end is also a new experience.
- Leaving my "normal" life behind for two months means arrangements for communication are vital. Fortunately, the electronic age means that there are lots of options for staying in touch. There are fewer and fewer places now that don't have cell coverage or wi-fi.
I feel like I'm on a familiar glide path now - the normal "getting ready for a trip" stuff that I've done hundreds of times. I'm calm, cool and collected - mostly. The big arrangements are all made, the supplies are all purchased, the training is what it is. I plan to spend the next few weeks enjoying the anticipation. All that's left to do is pack my bags and get myself to the airport on time.
It'll be one of those things that looks daunting from a distance, but when you get there, you'll slot right into place, I bet. :)
Kinda like hills always look worse from the bottom. Once you're on them, they don't look so steep.
Go Judi!!
Thank you so much Janice, your support means a great deal to me, you have been an influential force in my development as a cyclist.
So excited for you! I imagine getting the household to run without you being there is the hardest to prepare for.
4 squares per day. At least that is what I used to tell my girl scouts. Gotta agree with Jennifer...I too am excited for you!
The household will run fine without me, not the same, but fine. Kim the Wonderful will keep things under control and make sure it is nice for me to come home to. Husband Lew will make sure all the animals survive. There's lots of excitement, I'm glad you are sharing it.
Girl Scouts? No wonder you have been such a great long-distance coach! I can't begin to tell you how valuable your advice has been - especially the shaming me into calling the bike club.
Is a parts vehicle going to be around - spare bike parts - patches, tires or tubes, chains, stuff
I am with Ken, I am very excited for you :))
The SAG has tools and minor repair parts and the van (from my understanding) will carry some of the other basic repair items. So starting out with a bike in top condition should minimize the need for emergency repairs.
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