Into the last week of preparations and I am finally realizing this trip is actually going to happen.
The pet, house and yard sitters are all engaged and ready to keep things managed while I am gone. The bike shipped out yesterday and will be waiting for me when I get to Florida. Conveniently, the bike shop is across the street from the hotel.
After the long , cold and difficult winter, it will be nice to relax in the sunshine and get reacquainted with old friends while looking forward to meeting a bunch of new ones. I know I am not really prepared for the long days of riding but right now it doesn't really matter. I will do the best I can, ride at my own pace, enjoy the scenery and the company and do what I need to do to take care of myself. If that means days in the van or bump outs in the SAG,then that's what I will do. The tour is much more than the riding.
I don't anticipate any problems with cell or wi-fi access this time as we will not be traveling across hundreds of miles of lightly populated desert and mountains. I am hoping to include pictures in these posts but I still haven't figured out the smoothest way to do that.
Back to my lists, there are still a few things to check off.
Best wishes for a good, safe ride with friends!
Thanks Janice, your support over the past few years has been very valuable and much needed.
Have a great ride and FIGURE OUT HOW TO POST PICTURES!!
Yes SIR, sir. Done and dusted but still not as quick or smooth a process as I would like.
Back from Cali (yes, I drank all the wine). Live in the "present" on this adventure. Be sure to stop & smell the Roses.
As long as you didn't drink all the beer, we'll be fine.
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