Sunday, May 17, 2015

Another ferry, some history and a day off

I decided about a year ago that the day we went to Williamsburg, VA I would ride in the van so I could have as much time as possible to explore the historic town.

Beautiful drive through the country as the van wended its way to the James River where we crossed the James at Scotland.

Osprey nest

We passed Jamestown from the river side and passed it again on the road and soon were in Williamsburg. The Virginia countryside is lovely, the Colonial parkway feels like another place and time and everything is green and very clean.

I took some random pictures in Historic Williamsburg but not many, as there are many professionally done photos on their website -

Visitor with tin whistle joins re-enactor to perform a duet

This has been a happy place for me since I was a grad student trying to avoid the three papers, two tests, a stack of reading and a presentation that I should have been working on.  It was like walking into a time  warp where things moved at a slower pace and seemed simpler, but probably harder. That hasn't really changed, though I must say, it is easier to maintain the illusion in the fall when you aren't yearning for the nearest air-conditioned restaurant, or a bus to carry you swiftly back to your hotel.

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