Friday, May 15, 2015


This post was made a couple of days ago but all of us have had Internet issues, as in photos taking hours to load.  

Woo hoo!!! Today we crossed the Pamlico River on a ferry.  Not as windy as the last one, so more fun.  Maybe Ken is right, I should have joined the Navy.  But my favorite boats are ferries and tugboats - not much need for nurses there.

Ready to load, nice waiting area including clean bathrooms and shade.

Shelter for pedestrians - and bikes.

Potash production

So. To catch up.  Yesterday day  was highlighted by crossing  a bridge over the Albemarle Sound - 3.5 miles long. Followed by rides on rural roads with varying degrees of traffic and and surface repair.

Today we crossed into Virginia.  The first part of the ride looked a lot like Kansas, with fields of wheat spreading far and wide.  There were some huge installations of solar collectors too, somewhat incongruous with the surrounding croplands. We  we entered Virginia the landscape Became more wooded and green, winding roads with little traffic. 

 Our lodgings tonight are less than stellar but tomorrow we head to Williamsburg and a rest day.  I intend to ride in the van so I can spend as much time as possible in Williamsburg, it's been 25 years since I've been there and it holds fond memories.

And I've ridden 111 miles in two days, so I know I'm improving in that area too.


tombetz said...

Sounds like you are all back on track? good job. #WTG

Judi said...

Welllll, maybe not quite back on track, but I am looking more like a train.