Saturday, March 16, 2013


I feel like I finally got to start the tour today and it was wonderful.  If I were feeling any better, I'd have to be twins.  No shoulder pain, no bike problems - all I had to do was ride.

We left Phoenix this morning under cool and overcast skies - perfect biking weather.  Went through lovely neighborhoods, bike lanes, dedicated bike paths. Went through a lovely mixed use park with fishing ponds, water features, playgrounds, frisbee golf, regular golf, soccer and even rugby.  I took some pictures with my phone of some kids playing in a water playground - if I can figure out how to post them, I will put them in later.  After that we had a great view of the Superstition Mountains in front of us.

The lush and lovely landscaping of Scottsdale and the park juxtaposed with the parched landscapes not even two miles away made me wonder how long we can choose to use our precious water this way.  Going at people speed really lets you think about these sorts of things.

Now we are in Apache Junction for the night, basically just the eastern side of Phoenix.  I cleaned my bike and my body, now waiting my turn for the washing machine.  Dinner update as soon as I find out what it is - I did see lots of cucumbers being peeled.


susan said...

Woo Hoo!!! sounds wonderful, i hope you have many many more days like today. the food sounds really good too!!!! dans bike is still in the shop, you were right judi, that bike was messed up!!!

Janice in GA said...

::jumps up and cheers and throws confetti::


Judi said...

Dinner was Moroccan stewed chicken with chickpeas, dried apricots, tomatoes and other good stuff served over rice with peas (don't tell Linda, I picked the peas out). Alongside was marinated cucumber salad and fresh pineapple chunks. I had some lemon tart for desert.

Liz said...

Judi, glad you are feeling better and you had no more bike problems.

tombetz said...

"Up" days make it all worth while.