Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Total change of pace

We started out this morning as usual, breakfast, load the trailer, snack table, get on the bikes and check out with the SAG.  But today was a tad different because our first leg was only 2.5 miles, then we got on a ferry that took us from Dauphin Island across the mouth of Mobile Bay onto a spit of land that connected back to mainland Alabama.  We got a fairly close look at oil and natural gas rigs, some interesting boats and even a dolphin that moved so fast no one got a picture of it.

For a while we had Bon Secour bay on our left and the Gulf of Mexico on our right - and wind right in our faces.  As we got farther onto the mainland, the wind decreased (somewhat) and we cruised through beach towns - which in summer will be FULL of sunburned people and lots of traffic.

Tonight we are in Pensacola, FL.  Annnnd, because Moira bribed me into riding with her in the SAG today, she will be riding (on bikes) with me tomorrow.  Everyone has a price, and evidently mine is a beignet and coffee.  Moira is from Scotland and I admire her for even trying to drive in the traffic here, she does well staying on the right, but some of our intersections are rather confusing.  When you are trying to read a cue sheet and drive at the same time, even more so.

Waiting to load onto the ferry

Bikes everywhere

Natural gas rig (we were told)

Ft. Morgan


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