Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Great riding day

When we left La Grange this morning I bumped out past the "no shoulders, big trucks" part of the ride and really enjoyed the rest of the day.  

We went through Round Top, TX (yes, Still In Texas), site of a HUUUUUGE antique show/gathering/sale.  The normal population of 80 or so swells to 150,000 plus during the week of the show.  It's one more thing on my bucket list, along with Brimley in Massachusetts.  The event was last week but many of the tents/shelters/vending areas are still set up - it runs for miles.

From there we rode through lush green farmland with beautiful wildflowers and the most contented cows I have ever seen. A  whole herd of them came to the fence to investigate the two-footed two-wheeled creature going down their road.  

The roads were winding and had very little traffic and were some of the best surfaces we have ridden on.  And there was wind (is there ever NOT wind?).  The storms up north are sucking the warm air up from the gulf and we had strong southerly winds all day - since we are riding generally east, this is an "issue" for us.  It seemed like no matter where the roads wound or what direction we were going we had everything except tail winds.  I did have a quartering wind for about 0.2 miles, I guess that was my treat for the day. Average wind speed 15-18mph with gusts to 25.  In the few places we had to ride in the traffic, it made things "interesting"  especially on the three bridges we had to cross.

LOVE the Live Oaks - huge spreading canopy

Blue bonnets, dark eyed Susan, Indian Paintbrush

Field of Bluebonnets


tombetz said...

Proud of you. I've been convalescing my wonky knees which I stressed hiking (up & down) in Ecuador. Good thing too- 'cause I get to hike again soon in Columbia.

CAT said...

GREAT Pics Judi! Sure wish I was out west. Love the Blue Bonnets and never seen a Live Oak except in movies or on TV. Really want to plant some up here but I know they wouldn't grow. Keep On Pedaling!

Judi said...

That sounds really cool - well except for the knee thing. I want to see pictures.

Judi said...

They are just the most beautifully shaped trees, very majestic but welcoming too.