Only 55 miles today and they were lovely. The humidity is high here, so we started out cool and clammy and as the day progressed got hot and sticky. No complaints about the wind today, no matter which way it was coming from - it kept things drier and cooler. I did get a bonus tailwind for a while though - at least I assumed that's why I was going 17 mph UPhill.
Everything was lush and green, in some places like a forested park, in others more bucolic. We also had wonderful roads except for a VERY short stretch where they were preparing it for resurfacing. Evidently, in Louisiana they enforce their "no passing with a solid yellow line" laws. Or maybe Louisiana drivers have less of a death wish than the ones we met in TX. A lot of drivers slowed to a crawl behind us in places too narrow to pass and then waved and smiled as they went by when it became safe to do so. I never felt crowded over like I have on some other shoulderless roads.
There is wild weather expected in the middle of the night so we are not planning an early start for tomorrow. We will cross the Mississippi state line about six miles or so after leaving our motel and will enjoy a margarita party after our 60 mile day. Not quite sure when 50-60 miles became a "short" day, but they are quite enjoyable.
haven't checked in for a few days but CONGRATIONS on your first century. I knew you when......
You knew me when 10 miles was a big day - actually, any day that didn't involve circles in the parking lot was a big day back then.
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